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Parking, Pick-Up, Drop-Off

Southeast Transportation Procedures

Morning Student Carline Drop Off

We have many families within our SE learning community that use the morning carline to drop off their students. In an effort to help all our students make it to class on time we are asking vehicles do the following:

  • Pull as far forward in the drop-off line as possible. If you are the first car in line this means pulling all the way forward to the orange cone (see map).
  • Students can exit the vehicle once the yellow painted line can be seen on the sidewalk (see map). Have your student(s) ready to exit the vehicle when your vehicle reaches the yellow line.
  • Practice having your child open the car door on their own. Staff are present at drop-off to ensure the safety of our students, but due to time, staff are not able to open every car door. Adults, should remain in the vehicle. Students can exit their vehicle without the assistance of a staff member.
  • Parents may also park their car in a parking spot and walk their child to the building using our crosswalk for drop off. We ask that parents use the crosswalk area in the parking lot (see map) to model and ensure safety for all. We hope this will help with the flow of traffic having all people cross at the same location. Students should enter the parking lot and crosswalk with an adult present.

(Click image to enlarge)


Dismissal Procedures for Car Riders and Walkers

  • Pull as far forward in the pick-up line as possible. If you are the first car in line this means pulling all the way forward to the orange cone (see map).
  • Vehicle pick-up signs – Vehicle tags are available for families planning to use the carline for after school pick up. This tag will need to be hanging from your rearview mirror or shown through your passenger window each time you pick up. Please have this visible starting at the yellow line. If you need a tag please let your child’s teacher or staff at the car line know!
  • Students waiting for their vehicle – All students will be lined up by grade level behind the recess fence (see map). A staff member will be standing at the start of the yellow line and will radio the names of students next in line to be picked up. The designated students will then be asked to step out of their grade level line and prepare to be picked up on the other side of the fence.
  • Students will wait on the sidewalk dots for their vehicle to move forward and stop. Once their vehicle has come to a complete stop students may enter.
  • Parents may also park their car in a parking spot and use the crosswalk to meet their child at their grade level sign. We ask that parents use the crosswalk area in the parking lot (see map) to model and ensure safety for all. We hope this will help with the flow of traffic having all people cross at the same location. Students should enter the parking lot and crosswalk with an adult

(Click image to enlarge)


**Safety Alert**

Adults should not exit vehicles unless the vehicle is parked in a parking space. Parking or exiting a vehicle between the rows of parked cars is a safety violation. In case of an emergency, the rows between our parked vehicles need to stay open in order for emergency vehicles to quickly enter our parking lot. This also allows people to pull in and out of parking spaces safely.

Bus Procedures:

Students riding the school bus will exit SE on the north side of the building. During the first full week of school bus riders will participate in a bus safety assembly reviewing how to stay safe and be kind on the bus. Students will not have bus passes to start the school year. Attendance will be taken by bus drivers as students get on and off the school bus each day. Once bus passes arrive, staff will help ensure that all students have bus passes properly secured on the outside of their backpack on the right side (see photo below). If your student does not receive or misplaces their bus pass this school year please email the SE office at so our secretaries can print a new bus pass for your child.

(Click image to enlarge)


The following will be reviewed at our assembly:

  • How to scan your bus pass as you enter the school bus
  • How to buckle your seatbelt
  • No food on the bus
  • Finding your assigned seat
  • Being a kind leader to the students around you.

Building Dismissal Exits:

The following map shows where students will exit the building each day depending on their after school transportation schedule.

Thank you for your help and cooperation to keep our SE students safe!